
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月06日 19:40   环球时报

  According to the AFP on December 5, the public marriage celebration in Malaysia between a 14-year-old girl and a 23-year-old teacher has triggered a call for a fresh debate on child marriage。

  On Saturday, schoolgirl Siti Maryam Mahood and Abdul Manan Othman celebrated their marriage at a mosque in the capital Kuala Lumpur, after a religious Sharia court approved the union. "It has been hard trying to juggle two roles -- as a student and a wife -- but I am taking it in my stride," said Siti Maryam。

  Siti' parents matchmade the couple and that the Sharia court granted them permission to marry in July。

  In Malaysia, Muslims make up about 60 percent of the 28 million populations. For certain issues including family law they are subject to Sharia which operates in parallel with the civil legal system. Muslims below 16 who want to get married must obtain the permission of the religious courts. Those of other religions aged below 17 must have the consent of civil authorities。

  Ivy Josiah, executive director of leading activist group Women's Aid Organization, said that laws which allow underage marriage in certain cases must be dumped by Malaysia, "The government should set the minimum marriage age of 18 for all races. We need to protect the child," she added。

  Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, the minister for women, family and community development, said in July that underage marriage was "morally and socially unacceptable"。








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