女面试官羡慕嫉妒恨 美女职场易遭拒Good looking women are twice as likely to be turned down for a job interview than unattractive ones, claims a study. And female staff in HR departments jealous of potential rivals could be the reason why, researchers believe. But in men the reverse is true, and an ugly man would have to send twice as many CVs as a handsome counterpart to secure a response。 谁说拥有一副天使般的面孔的美女都可以轻易得到令人羡慕工作?面试考官告诉你,样貌较好的女性往往更容易被用人单位拒绝。有调查显示,在人力资源部的考官面试过程中,特别对于女性考官来说,她们会把面容好看的女性考生当做是“潜在的竞争者”,并同时产生莫名的抵触情绪。有趣的是,该论点作用在男士身上效果恰恰相反,研究显示,帅哥获得工作的成数会比丑男要大N倍呢! Although identical in content, one CV had no headshot, and the other a headshot of either an attractive or unattractive man or woman. They then analysed the numbers called back for an interview. Attractive males received a 19.9 per cent callback rate, almost 50 per cent higher than the 13.7 per cent response for plain men and more than twice the 9.2 per cent response to those with no photo。 研究者做了这样一份试验,运用同一份内容简历,分别贴上漂亮应聘者的照片、普通应聘者照片、或不贴照片。然后,凭借应聘者所接到的面试电话数量判断简历中照片对职场选择的影响。反馈显示,面容较好男性拥有19.9%反馈率、普通人的则是13.7,而不贴照片的简历收到面试电话的几率最低为9.2%。 But with women the reverse was true. Those with no photo had the highest call back rate, which was 22 per cent higher than plain women and 30 per cent higher than attractive women。 有意思的是,若是应聘者为女性的话,调查结果则完全相反。女性简历中,不贴照片的简历往往能得到数量对好面试电话,其次是长相普通的女应聘者,最后才是漂亮的女性应聘者。 The researchers found that the discrimination against attractive women varied on who was hiring them. Following the experiment, they contacted the person at the company who screen the applications, and found that in 96 per cent of the case they were women。 调查者发现,在“职场外貌歧视”案例中不难发现,针对漂亮女性的歧视往往来自于雇佣者,而随着调查深入,人们惊奇的发现拒绝漂亮应聘者的考官有96%的人为女性。 网友评论企业服务 |