英国培育出世界上最辣的辣椒 让人泪如泉涌

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月08日 14:28   国际在线
英国培育出世界上最辣的辣椒 让人泪如泉涌英国培育出世界上最辣的辣椒 让人泪如泉涌

  According to the Daily Mail on December 3, world's hottest chilli was created from a small greenhouse in Cambria, UK, which will make your eyes stream, throat burn, nose run。

  Experts at Warwick University carried out tests on the chilli and officially declared it the world's hottest chilli in the Guinness Book of World Records。

  Dozens of customers sampled a curry cooked with Naga Viper. Only two managed to finish the whole dish。

  "It's painful to eat," said Gerald Fowler, 52, creator of Naga Viper, "It numbs your tongue, and then burns all the way down. It can last an hour, and you just don't want to talk to anyone or do anything. But it's a marvelous endorphin rush. It makes you feel great."

  Mr Fowler has sold chilli seeds to the Eden Project in Cornwall, to the Edinburgh Horticultural Society, and to farmers in Afghanistan, as an alternative to growing poppies for opium。

  据英国《每日邮报》12月3日报道,英国坎布里亚郡一个小型温室培养出了世界上最辣的辣椒Naga Viper,辣度可以让人泪如泉涌、喉咙灼烧、鼻涕直流。

  华威大学的专家经测验后,官方声明Naga Viper是世界上最辣的辣椒,同时Naga Viper也荣登世界吉尼斯记录。

  很多顾客都试着品尝有用Naga Viper辣椒烹饪的咖哩食品,但只有两个人吃完了。

  Naga Viper辣椒的培育者、今年52岁的Gerald Fowler说:"吃这种辣椒非常痛苦。你的舌头会麻木,之后你会感觉灼烧般,直至咽下去后。这种感觉会持续一个小时左右,你都不想和任何人说话,也不想做任何事情。但这种'荷尔蒙爆发'很神奇,让你感觉棒极了。"



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