麦当娜新欢称与其交往“完全零压力”舞者Brahim Zaibat已经与天后麦当娜交往了有几个月的时间了,但据他透露,与这个地球上最有名的女性交往,自己并没有被弄得太狼狈。自两人恋情曝光后,Brahim首次面对媒体,他在采访中坦承:“我不认为一切都发展得太快了,我的生活并没有改变,我还是那个原来的我。” Brahim说:“我不是那种爱吃醋的男人,只要我还能感觉到事情在我的掌控范围之内,一切都相安无事。应对外部的压抑与影响对我来说不是件容易的事,麦当娜在这方面和我很像。”这位二十四岁的Dancer叶承认,自己并非是天后的忠实歌迷,不过在两人相识之后,他花了很多时间,“恶补功课”,她说:“她的音乐不是我会放在iPod上的类型,不过,我和其他人一样,对于她的经典作品还是耳熟能详。” 这对恋人的相识起源于今年年初,通过一个共同结识的友人,Brahim能以在娜姐的一次活动上表演,不过和这样一位极富盛名的天后合作,Brahim自称并不会特别紧张,“我们在她的服装系列发表会的后台碰面,我并没有感到自己面前的是一个‘天后’,她只是一个如普通女子一般的女人。对于和她交往,完全不存在‘压力’。” Dancer Brahim Zaibat has been dating Madonna for several months now, but he says romancing one of the world’s most famous women hasn't fazed him。 Speaking about the aftermath of their romance being made public, he told Britain's Grazia magazine: “I wouldn’t say things went too fast. My life did not really change. I am still the same person。 “I am not the jealous kind. As long as I feel I am in control, everything goes smoothly. I cannot deal with external authority. Madonna and I are very alike when it comes to that。” The 24-year-old dancer also admitted he is not a fan of the singer’s music but has spent a lot of time listening to her back catalogue since they met。 He said: “Her music sure isn’t what I would put on my iPod. But, like everybody else, I knew all her hits。 “And, since we met, I have listened to everything she has done. It turns out she has added a lot of hip hop and break-dancing influences to her latest work。” The couple met through a mutual friend earlier this year when the pal asked Brahim to dance at one of the singer’s events。 Despite having to work with such a high-profile star, Brahim insists he wasn’t nervous when they first met。 He said: “Norman asked me to dance for the launch of Material Girl (Madonna’s fashion label) and then backstage I was introduced to her。 “She thanked me for my performance. I didn’t feel like I met a monster. She was a woman almost like any other woman。 “I was really happy to meet her but I did not stress about it。” 网友评论企业服务 |