美国惊现圣诞驯鹿之死 红绿灯成杀手

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月09日 11:48   环球时报

  Crowds of families gathered to watch the annual Christmas parade in Richmond, Virginia, where a series of giant festive balloons were marched down the town's main street。


  One of the first to catch the eye of spectators was a huge inflatable Rudolph - guided by volunteers using ropes。


  At first the parade goes swimmingly, until the crowd realises the balloon will not fit under a traffic light and handlers desperately attempt to move the reindeer around the obstruction。


  However, their efforts left the balloon speared in the head by part of the traffic light's framework and hundreds of horrified children were forced to watch as the Christmas character 'died' in front of them。


  The inflatable attraction was preceded by scores of Segway riders wearing reindeer antlers who remained blissfully unaware of the fate of the act that followed。


  A marching band that followed was forced to wait as the bizarre aftermath of the incident was cleared away。



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