布兰妮圣诞沃尔玛大采购 血拼便宜货

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月09日 17:01   国际在线

  Britney Spears proves that even a multi millionaire celebrity loves a bargain. The songstress was spotted indulging in some cheap retail therapy at a local Walmart superstore near her home in Calabasas, California. Britney appeared in a great mood as she and a bodyguard browsed the enormous store yesterday for Christmas decorations and gifts for her sons。

  谁说名人只崇尚奢侈名牌?小甜甜布兰妮用行动向大家证明即使是百万富翁也可以在廉价超市中选到自己心仪的东西!日前,媒体拍到歌手布兰妮身穿一件低胸T恤在她位于加利福利亚住址附近的平价超市沃尔玛开始了她的圣诞大采购,即使被狗仔穷追不舍,布兰妮仍旧面带笑容,心情大好的她带着保镖在沃尔玛 “血拼”送给儿子的圣诞礼物呢。

  The smiley star checked out plaid shirts for Sean Preston, 5, and Jayden James, 4 and perused a selection of mini Christmas trees. Wearing dark wash jeans and a silky turquoise top she showed off her tan and a small flash of her animal print bra。

  据悉,布兰妮这次的“沃尔玛之旅”收获满满,她给儿子5岁的Preston以及 4岁的James分别选购了迷你圣诞树作为礼物。大概是为了不引人注意,“低调的”布兰妮还是身穿普通牛仔裤以及丝质T恤混在普通人之中,即使穿着低调,布兰妮仍旧星味十足,狗仔还是捕捉到了她的性感豹纹内衣从低胸T恤中“半隐半露”的香艳照片。

  The singer recently returned from a romantic getaway to Mexico to celebrate her birthday with her boyfriend of two years, Jason Trawick, 39. Britney, who turned 29 on December 2, said to a U.S. magazine that the trip was 'amazing' and 'the best birthday of my life.'

  估计是因为这次的恋情发展十分顺利,布兰妮与交往2年的男友Jason Trawick刚在墨西哥度过自己的29岁生日。布兰妮向美国杂志形容这次生日旅行“甜蜜无比”,是她过的最棒的一个生日。


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