
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月10日 09:54   环球时报

  According to the Upi.com on December 8, a Pennsylvania old man had an auspicious start to what may be his last deer hunting season, bagging a buck with one shot, the largest he's ever shot。

  Lester Warner, 86, has metastatic prostate cancer and recently stopped treatment. He wanted to spend the opening day of hunting season with his family, as he has for decades, but his sons, Brian and Scott, were not sure he would make it。

  At dawn Sunday, the sons drove him to the summit of Broadtop Mountain in Huntingdon Country. At 8 am, a buck ran out of the woods, and Brian pointed it out to his father. Lester squeezed the trigger and brought the deer down with a single shot。

  Then the father looked up at his son and said: "Never give up." Warner's wife Shirley said, "I know that for a while he forgot he had cancer, and that's the best part. It is a miracle."

  据国外网站"the Upi.com"12月8日报道,美国宾夕法尼亚州一名耄耋老人,在他生命中可能是最后一个狩猎季里,仅用一枪就成功捕杀一头雄鹿,这真是一个“好兆头”。


  上周日凌晨,特华纳的儿子开车将他和家人送往亨廷登县的Broad top山顶,大约上午8点左右,一头雄鹿突然从树林中蹿出,布莱恩立刻提醒父亲,老人瞬时扣动扳机,一枪击倒正在狂奔的猎物。

  当时,特华纳还看着自己儿子说“永不放弃”。 特华纳的妻子雪莉说:“我明白当时他已经忘记了自己是个癌症患者,这也是最奇妙之处。真是太神奇了”。


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