苏丹七位男模因化妆被捕 被指猥亵罪

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月11日 15:08   环球时报

  According to the Irishtimes.com on December 8, a Sudanese court convicted seven men of indecency Wednesday after police accused them of wearing makeup during a fashion show in Khartoum, Sudan。

  The men, amateur models at the "Sudanese Next Top Model Fashion Show" in June, were arrested by the public order police, a body known for its crackdowns on perceived indecent dress and drinking in the Muslim north, one defendant said。

  The lawyer,Nabil Adib said he had argued in court that men, including religious preachers, regularly wore makeup for appearances on Sudan's state television station。

  All seven were found guilty Wednesday and each fined 200 Sudanese pounds ($80), as was a woman who faced the same charge for applying the makeup. They could have faced a maximum punishment of 40 lashes and imprisonment。

  Sudanese UN official Lubna Hussein was briefly jailed for wearing trousers in public after being found guilty for the same offence in 2009, a case that drew international criticism。








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