AFI评2010年十佳影片 盗梦空间入选   2010年12月13日 16:31   国际在线

  The 10 AFI movies of the year are:

  AFI 2010年年度十佳电影

  "Black Swan"

  "The Fighter"


  "The Kids Are All Right"

  "127 Hours"

  "The Social Network"

  "The Town"

  "Toy Story 3"

  "True Grit"

  "Winter's Bone"

  On the television front, the AFI TV programs of the year are:

  "The Big C"

  "Boardwalk Empire"

  "Breaking Bad"


  "Mad Men"

  "Modern Family"

  "The Pacific"

  "Temple Grandin"

  "30 Rock"

  "The Walking Dead"

  Special awards went to "The King's Speech" and the documentary "Waiting for 'Superman' "











  The special awards are given to achievements in the moving image that don't fit into AFI's criteria for other honors -- movies must be in a narrative fiction format and have significant creative and or production elements from the U.S。

  The awards are selected by a jury made up of scholars, film and TV artists, critics and AFI trustees. Among those on the film jury were producer Tom Pollock, professor Jeanine Basinger, screenwriter Diablo Cody, AFI's Bob Gazzale and historian and critic Leonard Maltin. The TV jurors included writer-producer Steven Bochco and producer Richard Frank。

  AFI will honor the creative ensembles at an invitation-only luncheon Jan. 14 at the Four Seasons Hotel。




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