威廉王子订婚照曝光 与未婚妻深情相拥威廉王子订婚照曝光 与未婚妻深情相拥
Prince William and Kate Middleton have released official photographs to mark their engagement, taken by celebrated fashion photographer Mario Testino。 Testino described the couple as "brimming with happiness" during the photo shoot at St James's Palace。 The two portraits, one formal and one more casual, show the couple smiling and embracing after the announcement of their engagement last month。 Testino, who created some of the most enduring images of Diana, Princess of Wales, said: "I am very happy to have been asked to cover this historic moment that the whole world was waiting for。 "They are in their prime and brimming with happiness. I have never felt so much joy as when I see them together." The Prince and Miss Middleton, both 28, selected the two photographs from a set. In the formal image, taken in the Palace's Council Chamber, the couple stand together with Miss Middleton resting her arm on her fiance's. The informal image, above, shows the couple embracing in the Palace's Cornwall room。 Testino took photographs for Prince William's 21st birthday in 2004. A Clarence House spokesman said: "Prince William has worked with Mario Testino on many occasions before, and so the couple decided that he was the right choice for such an important portrait." 英国威廉王子和准王妃凯特•米德尔顿日前公布了由著名时尚摄影师马里奥•泰斯蒂诺拍摄的官方订婚照。 泰斯蒂诺称这对情侣在在圣詹姆斯宫拍摄时“幸福满满”。 其中一张订婚照非常正式,而另一张则很随意。照片上,情侣二人微笑着深情相拥。威廉王子和女友凯特于上月宣布订婚。 泰斯蒂诺说:“我很高兴能受邀用镜头记录下这一全世界都热切期待的历史性时刻。”他曾为威尔士王妃戴安娜拍摄过一些最经典的传世之照。 他说:“他们风华正茂,而且洋溢着幸福。当我看到他们在一起时,我感到从未如此开心。” 同为28岁的威廉王子和米德尔顿小姐从一组照片中选择了这两张作为订婚照。其中的一张正式照是在圣詹姆斯宫的会议厅拍摄的,两人并肩站在一起,米德尔顿小姐的手臂搭在威廉王子的臂上。而在上图的非正式照片中,两人在圣詹姆斯宫康沃尔厅深情相拥。 2004年,泰斯蒂诺曾为威廉王子拍摄21岁生日照。克拉伦斯王府(译者注:查尔斯王储官方居所)的一位发言人说:“马里奥•泰斯蒂诺曾多次为威廉王子拍照,因此威廉王子和凯特确信他是拍摄订婚照的最合适人选。” 网友评论企业服务 |