英国新款圣诞甜点 纯金箔装饰显奢华

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月14日 10:24   国际在线

  From today, the supermarket will be stocking pure gold leaf, after the chef created a recipe that calls for it as a cake decoration。


  Blumenthal's Spiced Popping Candy Chocolate Tart was created especially for Waitrose, and features a hazelnut shortbread base with orange chocolate ganache on top。


  It is the only UK supermarket chain to sell gold leaf, which comes in a small pot and costs ?3.99 for one flake。


  Gold lustre powder is stocked alongside the gold leaf, at ?2.49 per pot, as well as packets of popping candy at ?2.99.

  金箔片的旁边放着金粉,每罐2.49英镑 还有一盒盒2.99英镑的跳跳糖。

  The chef, whose Berkshire restaurant, The Fat Duck, is rated as one of the best in the world, said: 'I wanted to bring a sense of fun and seasonal extravagance to Christmas desserts and one way of doing this is through surprise。



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