朱莉养儿倒苦水 自称“洗澡也不清静”

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月14日 16:42   国际在线


  Angelina Jolie raises six children with her partner Brad Pitt, and she's still amazed by how well she copes with having such limited time to herself。

  She said: "You try to take a bath alone and everybody comes in。

  "You just give it up. I've shocked myself because I'm somebody that likes to be on my own. But I'm surprised how much I'm very happy to be surrounded by everybody in my family。

  "It's alright. I feel that comfort."

  Earlier this year, Angelina admitted she rarely has time alone but knows it is the same for every parent。

  Describing a typical day, she said: "I wake up. I've got four kids in bed with me and Brad is on the phone and with the twins。

  "I just don't get any solitude -- most people with kids don't. Sometimes you get a bath or a shower but usually somebody is trying to get in. You get used to it."


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