
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月14日 16:43   国际在线


  One of young Hollywood's golden couples is no more: Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens have split up。

  "They are 100 percent still good friends," a source tells PEOPLE of the High School Musical sweethearts, who first began dating in 2006.

  The couple have been a Hollywood fixture and have both spoken about feeling an instant connection when they met. "Right off the bat, we had a connection, I think everybody could see it," Hudgens, who turns 22 on Tuesday, said in the June issue of Glamour。

  Efron, 23, also recently spoke of their relationship, saying the pair's love was "exactly how it should be. It's real."

  Efron is filming The Lucky One in New Orleans while Hudgens is working on Journey 2: The Mysterious Island in Hawaii。

  E! Online was the first to report the split。

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