杰克逊庄园开放租赁 不管MJ遗子死活

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月14日 16:44   国际在线

  已故流行天王迈克尔-杰克逊位于加利福利亚洲的梦幻豪宅“Neverland”由六个主题乐园所组成,出来其中一处为住所以外,其他五个园中都设有游乐设施,从现在,任何人都可以通过租赁的方式,来到园中一探究竟,并尽情玩乐。据负责租赁事项的房产公司透露,设有大型小丑表演中心的‘Lolli Swing萝莉秋千园’、 ”Dragon Wagon龙的旅车'、“”Dinos/Jumping Jumbos迪诺斯/跳客机园“的起租价均为5000美元,而最贵的一个园区——”Balloon Samba“气球桑巴的租赁价格则达到了8500美金。


  A total of six attractions from Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch amusement park are available via Butler Amusements, although one of them now has a permanent home at the California State Fair and Exposition in Sacramento。

  The rides include the ‘Lolli Swing’ -- featuring a large clown at the center -- which can be rented for $5,000 and a ‘Balloon Samba’ ride with rental price starting at $8,500.

  Other attractions include the ‘Dragon Wagon’ and the ‘Dinos/Jumping Jumbos’ -- both of which require one day to set up and can be temporarily acquired for $5,000.

  Meanwhile, Howard Mann -- who is doing business with Michael’s mother Katherine Jackson -- has indicated the singer’s estate does not care about the fate of his three children。

  Questioned about the suggestion the estate is more invested in its future than the kids and their guardian Katherine, Howard said: “I would ask if the estate has ever met those children, ever spoken to those children. To me it’s a farce that they care about what happens to those children。”

  Howard was last week sent a cease and desist letter by executors of Michael’s estate who demanded he stop using his image to promote the ‘Jackson Secret Vault Lithographic Collection’ in California。


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