新闻英语:什么是“专利悬崖”(图)   2010年12月16日 11:20   环球时报
“专利悬崖” “专利悬崖”

  最近制药行业专利保护即将过期的消息引起民众的高度重视,为什么?因为此消息与我们的健康息息相关。那么,我们先从术语patent cliff “专利悬崖”说起。

  Patent cliff refers to a sharp drop in revenue that a company experiences when a lucrative patent expires。

  Pantent cliff“专利悬崖”是指企业的收入在一项利润丰厚的专利收效后大幅度下降。

  There is a simple explanation for most of the mergers and acquisitions in the pharmaceutical world these days: the so-called Patent Cliff. Simply put, many of the drug industry's biggest earners are about to lose their patent protections。

  最近,制药行业内部兼并案不断,大部分可归结为一个原因:所谓的pantent cliff“专利悬崖”。简单地讲,就是许多制药行业的赢家将会失去的专利保护即将到期。

  For example, Lilly is already facing the biggest "patent cliff" in the industry. Five of its six leading products face generic competition in the next four years. Barbara Ryan, a stock analyst with Deutsche Bank, said Lilly's earnings will decline 35 percent by 2014 unless it makes one of the larger acquisitions it has historically resisted。




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