
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月16日 14:35   国际在线



  现有条目详细介绍了古巴前领导人菲德尔 卡斯特罗,还有条目对其宿敌美国进行了阐述,将其描述为“我们这个时代的帝国”以及“史上最强大的国家”,“用武力掠夺其他国家的领土和自然资源,为其经济和垄断地位服务”,“消耗地球上25%的能源,虽然财力雄厚,但是有三分之一以上的人口没有医疗保障”。

  EcuRed will be launched officially on Tuesday, but it was already up and running on Monday, with 19,345 entries。

  Cuba has begun its own online encyclopedia, similar to Wikipedia, with the goal of presenting its version of the world and history。

  It describes its longtime ideological enemy, the United States, as "the empire of our time" and "the most powerful nation of all time."

  EcuRed will be launched officially on Tuesday, but it was already up and running on Monday, with 19,345 entries。

  It was developed "to create and disseminate the knowledge of all and for all, from Cuba and with the world," the site said。

  Users supposedly will be able to update entries with prior approval from EcuRed administrators。

  "Its philosophy is the accumulation and development of knowledge, with a democratising, not profitable, objective, from a decoloniser point of view," the site said。

  Cuba and the United States, where Wikipedia was created, have been at odds since a 1959 revolution put Fidel Castro in power。

  EcuRed's entry about the United States said it had historically taken "by force territory and natural resources from other nations, to put at the service of its businesses and monopolies."

  "It consumes 25 per cent of the energy produced on the planet and in spite of its wealth, more than a third of its population does not have assured medical attention."

  About U.S.-Cuba relations, it said from early on, U.S. leaders looked upon Cuba "like those who admire a beautiful fruit that will end up falling in their hands."

  EcuRed contains an extensive biography of former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, including his role after the illness that made him cede power to brother Raúl Castro in 2006.

  "Today he writes and participates in the struggle of ideas at a global level. For his moral authority, he influences important and strategic decisions of the Revolution," it said。

  There is also an article about Raúl Castro, who officially replaced his brother as president in 2008 and is described as a "revolutionary combatant, political leader, statesman and military chief."

  "He has contributed relevant support to the struggles of the Cuban people in defence of their sovereignty and independence," said the entry。

  EcuRed does not yet include mention of economic reforms introduced this year by President Castro to update the Cuban socialist model and that are currently the object of a national debate。

  According to a government survey conducted earlier this year, about 1.6 million Cubans, out of 11.2 million population, have access to the internet。


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