阿汤哥婚姻亮红灯 忘了“快乐是什么”

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月16日 16:47   国际在线

  面对一波又一波的“明星分手潮”,围绕在阿汤哥与娇妻凯蒂-霍尔姆斯的婚姻也流言四起。近日,在八卦杂志《STAR》的“圣诞分手”专题中,赫然出现了 “凯蒂受够汤哥,决定分道扬镳”的内容,这随即引起了公众对于他们婚姻状况的极大关注。《STAR》煞有介事的撰文写道“夫妻俩以分居多时,凯蒂郁郁寡欢,似乎已经忘了什么叫做‘快乐’。”


  It’s no secret that celebrities are targeted by erroneous rumors every day. And the latest reports of a rift between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are absolutely bogus。

  Star magazine tried to pawn off a “Christmas Split” story by claiming “Fed-Up Katie Leaving Tom。” But their rep says it’s completely made-up。

  Furthermore, Star said, “They have been living separate lives in recent months. Katie is so lonely she probably forgets what it’s like to be happy。”

  “The report is absolutely false,” said the rep to Gossip Cop, adding that the only “leaving” going on is Katie spending some time in her hometown of Toledo, Ohio later this month。


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