
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月16日 17:34   中国日报网-英语点津


  4D Man is a male between 15 and 40 who is confident, individual and has varied interests and passions. 4D man is not as tribal as his predecessors, the metrosexual and the lad, where you either were one or you weren’t. He is also increasingly interested in culture and is more health-conscious。


  Observable behaviour surely makes it easy to accept that today's masculinity is a blur of contradictions. The "4D man" report pointed to an individual interpretation of man – masculinity with a million dimensions, if you will – rather than a rigid conformity to one simplistic typology or another in terms of outlook, orientation or choice of car, coffee or coat. Men – as women have probably always known – can be really weird these days。



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