
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月17日 09:49   环球时报

  A new drug called "fountain of youth pill" has been discovered, according to the scientists from the University of California. This drug makes people live longer by boosting their immune system。

  The medication contains the drug lenalidomide which stimulates immune cell production. This improves the body's ability to fight off bugs or tumors which often causes an overall decline in health in older people. Researcher Edward Goetzl called the drug a "fountain of youth pill"。

  Goetzl said the pill would not necessarily make people live longer but that they would be healthier and enjoy a better quality of life. He added large scale trials are expected next year, and the drug will be given to over-65s alongside vaccines。

  However, despite the low doses Goetzl said he would never advise giving it to young women. Lenalidomide has a structural similarity to thalidomide which was linked to birth defects。






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