
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月17日 18:00   国际在线





  If anyone can squeeze a secret out of someone, it's obviously the Commander in Chief。

  President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle seemed to be on our side when they snagged some scoop from parents-to-be Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon. When Mariah was performing at the 'Christmas in Washington' TNT special, she ran into the first couple, who asked if she was having twins, PEOPLE reports。

  While some might take offense to a question that insinuates a doubly-growing belly, Mariah couldn't play coy with the first couple and admitted she was indeed having twins and called the surprise a "double treat."

  Cannon took to his radio show, 'Rollin' With Nick Cannon,' this morning to tell the story about Mariah's presidential run-in and to confirm that they are expecting double the trouble. "At this point she hadn't told anybody because doctors advised us to keep it to ourselves until we get further along," he said. "And because of the excitement, because of the emotion, she was overwhelmed [and] she shared with the President and First Lady that we are having twins."

  The couple's precautions in letting the public in on their pregnancy news stems from Mariah's 2008 miscarriage, which left the couple devastated but still eager to build a family. The twins are due in the spring of 2011.


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