
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月17日 18:03   环球时报

  A "hot tub gang" is believed to appear in Lancashire these days as the mysterious burglars took a dip in victims' hot tubs before breaking into their home to steal possessions。

  This week the hot tub pranksters had the nerve to take their outdoor bath as Ashley and Cherie Deakin slept upstairs at around 1:30 am。

  The burglars then forced open the back door of the detached home and stole property including a TV, mobile phones, a laptop and a wallet。

  Cherie Deakin said: "We have been shocked at how cheeky it is. It is so unusual having people trying to sneak on to your property to use the hot tub. It is bizarre."

  "We went round to our neighbors and their hot tub had also been used and one found two pairs of wet underpants in their garden."







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