
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月17日 18:05   环球时报

  According to the Upi.com on December 16, for the second year in a row, "whatever" was voted by Americans as the most annoying word or phrase in conversation, suggests a US-based poll。

  39 percent of the 1020 American adults polled said they found the word most irritating, followed by "like" (28 percent) and "you know what I mean" (15 percent)。

  "Perhaps these words are introduced through popular culture, for example movies ... so they catch on," said Mary Azzoli, organizer of the survey, "It has a lot to do with how accepted and how popular they become in every day speech."

  Azzoli also said words like "whatever" can be quite dismissive depending on how they are used。

  "To tell you the truth" was also found by 10 percent to be the most grating phrase in conversation while "actually" was found by five percent of those polled to be most irritating。

  据国外网站"the Upi.com"12月16日报道,美国的一项民调显示,在英语对话中,“无所谓”连续两年当选最让美国人讨厌的词或短语的冠军。






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