林赛罗韩生活窘迫微博卖东西 粉丝买账

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月18日 18:08   国际在线

  She was once considered one of the most promising young actresses of her generation. But these days Lindsay Lohan's career isn't exactly glittering. The 24-year-old is close to completing a three-month court-ordered stay in rehab at the Betty Ford Clinic in Palm Springs. And it appears she is willing to do whatever it takes to make an extra bit of money。

  女星林赛-罗韩因吸毒被法院强制在美国加利福利亚洲的Betty Ford疗养院接受根除毒瘾的“铁窗治疗”,这位曾被媒体誉为最有“星途”的女星--话题人物因“入狱事件”形象一度跌入谷底,不受到广告代言厂商的欢迎。虽然该事一度使林赛一度“囊中羞涩”,这位年仅24岁的女星丝毫不被舆论所困扰,竟然在网上开起微博售卖起私人物品,竭尽所能地“赚外快”来填补家用。

  Lindsay is now promoting products on Twitter in exchange for money - and she repeatedly posted an advertisement for gift cards on her account all day on Wednesday. A spokesman for TaDa, the company behind the link Lohan tweeted, had no comment on Lindsay’s work for the company or how much she was paid. 'We do not work directly with Lindsay, nor have any direct affiliation with her。

  据悉,林赛·罗韩微博登广告售卖礼物卡一事其有关的经纪公司并不知情,也不知道林赛到底因售卖礼物卡而净赚的具体数额。一位负责人透露:“我们并没有直接参与林赛·罗韩的工作,明星售卖东西属于私人行为,我们当然也不便对此发表任何评论。 ”


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