《哈利波特与死亡圣器》剧组十大采访语录丹尼尔·雷德克里夫谈最后一天拍摄的感受 “他们问我说‘你感觉怎么样?心情如何?’我实在是找不到语言来表达我的心情,我只能说‘很好很愉快。’听着特别年轻和天真,我有点措手不及。有一刻我顿时觉得有点儿哽噎,然后我心想:‘好吧,我得把持住,最后一段要撑过去。’我就掩饰过去了,很容易。” 小编短评:强颜欢笑的哈利童鞋 10. "They came up and said, 'How are you feeling? How are you doing?' And I couldn't find any words, and I just said, 'I just want you to know, I've had a really nice time.' And it was such a young, quite innocent, sweet thing to say, that I kind of caught myself off-guard. That was the moment when I suddenly had a lump in my throat and was like, 'OK, I'm really going to have to struggle to keep it together on the last shot,' which was a stunt, very simple, just jumping and rolling onto a map." — Daniel Radcliffe on his final day of shooting on the franchise 海伦娜·伯翰·卡特聊到她角色的妆容 “我好喜欢我的牙哦,假牙最给力了。让我上唇抬了一下,看起来年轻多了。就像打了胶原蛋白一样,但又不是真的打了,反正让嘴唇看起来更饱满了嘛。假牙是王道!” 小编短评:大家怨念她如此恶毒的时候,她在欣赏自己的假牙……好汗~~ 9. "I like my teeth. I had fake teeth. It's a beauty tip: Use fake teeth. The [teeth] plumped up my upper lip, which makes you look younger. It's like having collagen without having collagen because it makes the lip fuller. Always get false teeth." — Helena Bonham Carter on her character's makeup effects 鲁伯特谈杀青那天请大家吃冰激凌 “最后那天我直接把冰激凌车开到片场去了,然后请所有人吃。驾驶技术不咋滴,有点像开飞机。” 小编短评:罗恩好拉风好大方~~ 8. "I drove it down on the last day and served ice cream to everyone. I haven't quite perfected the technique. It kind of came out in a jet." — Rupert Grint on the ice cream truck he rented to serve the cast and crew on the final day of production 汤姆聊最后一部中的变老准备 “我们准备了两个月左右吧,还去参加了‘变老训练’。走路姿势要不一样,重心得放低了。好诡异的。第一次做的时候感觉很奇怪,就像手臂负重的感觉。好几次我都笑场了。” 小编短评:话说其实没老那么多吧?怎么电影版要这么夸张的…… 7. "For nearly two months, we've all been doing prosthetic tests and all sorts of preparation for the epilogue. I've been having some aging training. You've got to walk differently. There's a slump in your walk. ... It's bizarre. We have a lovely guy who comes in. It was a little weird the first time — imagine you've got weights on your arms! There have been a number of times where I nearly laughed and I had to hold it in." — Tom Felton on preparing for the "Deathly Hallows" epilogue scene 丹尼尔聊到自己的身高 “我个人本来是挺纠结的啦,因为当然我希望自己能高一点儿嘛。不过我接受现实了。说白了,我就想啊,要么就一直心里憋屈着,要么就能很自嘲地开自己玩笑咯。” 小编短评:这个……只能笑而不语了。 6. "I was worried on a personal level because I wanted to be slightly taller than I am, ideally. But I've now accepted it. Basically, I came to the conclusion a while ago that you can either be really bitter about it or you can make loads of funny jokes." — Daniel Radcliffe on accepting the fact that he's short 拉尔夫·费因斯聊演伏地魔的感觉 “必须全身心拥抱他的邪恶,这人就是一恶魔啊。” 小编短评:还是没鼻子的恶魔的说…… 5. "You have to embrace the totality of his evilness. He's like the devil." — Ralph Fiennes on playing Voldemort 丹尼尔聊到罗琳给他发的短消息 “她说觉得我演得很赞表现很好,然后以示奖励,就不准备再多写哈利波特系列的书了。” 小编短评:这个逻辑,大家自行脑内消化一下好了。 4. "Basically, it amounted to the fact that she felt I had been very good in this 'Harry Potter' film, and as a reward for that, she wasn't going to make any more 'Harry Potter' [books]." — Daniel Radcliffe on a text message he received from J.K. Rowling 艾玛聊到自己差点退出剧组 “我觉得如果我真退出的话,会成为头号公敌的。我真的考虑过。” 小编短评:好歹也是第一女主角,您退出还真没法看了。 3. "I would have been public enemy #1, I think, if I hadn't continued. I did think about that." — Emma Watson on once considering quitting the franchise Tom谈自己荣获《哈利波特》系列头号帅哥名号 “你知道我为啥回推了吧?因为除了这个排行之外,别的跟性感相关的都是罗伯特·帕丁森在我前头,所以得到第一还真是太不真实了,谁想得到啊。不过感觉还真不错。” 小编短评:谁想到第四部牺牲的配角因为吸血鬼都蹬鼻子上脸了咧,哈哈。 2. "You know why I retweeted it, because you know that's the only list you'll ever see where I'm ahead of Robert Pattinson for something to do with sexiness, which is completely untrue and unfathomable, but I will take it in great stead." — Tom Felton on winning Hollywood Crush's Top 10 "Harry Potter" Hotties competition 艾玛被问到要怎么让粉丝们赞赏自己在首映礼上穿的礼服 “不知道啊,要么脱掉?” 小编短评:妞,这个幽默冷了点儿。 1. "I don't know, take it off?" — Emma Watson on how she can convince 100 percent of fans to approve of her red carpet dress 网友评论企业服务 |