
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月20日 11:44   新浪教育

  1. 把实情告诉他不好吗?Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth?

  A: Mum, I’m not a good boy. I broke papa’s glass just now。


  B: Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth?


  2. 我来洗餐具好吗?Shall I do the washing-up?

  A: Shall I do the washing-up?


  B: Thank you。

  谢谢。 ● wash up“洗餐具”

  3. 我们觉得今晚可以去看场电影。We’re thinking of going to a movie tonight. A: We’re thinking of going to a movie tonight。


  B: It sounds great。


  4. 你觉得那个女孩怎么样?What do you think of that girl? A: What do you think of that girl?


  B: To my mind, she’s a tender girl. But she doesn’t seem to be very smart。


  5. 你不妨先干别的事情。You might as well do something else now。

  A: I’ve been working on this problem for a long time. But I still can’t work it out。


  B: Take it easy. You might as well do something else now。


  6. 我提议一起喝一杯怎么样?May I suggest a drink together?

  A: May I suggest a drink together?

  我提议一起喝一杯怎么样? B: It’s your treat. 该你请客了。

  7. 我有个建议。I’d like to make a suggestion。

  = I want to put forward a suggestion。

  = I’d like to offer a suggestion。

  8. 你有什么建议吗?What do you suggest? = What is your suggestion?

  = Do you have any suggestion?

  9. 你能给我点建议吗?Could you give me some advice? A: Could you give me some advice?


  B: You should work harder。


  10. 为什么不取消会议呢?Why not cancel the meeting?

  = Why don’t you cancel the meeting?

  = Why not call off the meeting? ● call off“取消”

  “why not do sth.? 为什么不……呢?”用来提出建议和意见。

  11. 如果你要找个人谈谈,我随时奉陪。

  If you need someone to talk to, I’m always available。

  = I’m here if you want to talk about it。

  ★ available [E5veilEbl] a. 可利用的,有空的

  12. 你也一起来吧?Won’t you join us? A: Won’t you join us? 你也一起来吧?

  B: I’d like to, but I’m busy now. 我很想,但我太忙了。

  13. 你应该更加仔细一些。You should be more careful. = You ought to be more careful。

  14. 你最好穿上大衣。You’d better put on your coat. ● put on“穿上,戴上”

  15. 我建议周末去野餐。I’d like to propose we go for a picnic this weekend。

  A: I’d like to propose we go for a picnic this weekend。


  B: Wonderful idea。


  16. 我们走近路吧!Let’s take a shortcut!

  = Let’s go a shorter way / route!

  ■“Let’s do sth.! 让我们……吧!”用以表示建议。

  17. 我希望您给我的文章提些建议。I’d like to have your advice on my article。

  A: Prof. Brown, I’d like to have your advice on my article。


  B: It’s good except for some spelling mistakes. What’s more, the first paragraph

  has nothing to do with the article. It should be omitted。


  18. 我们骑车上学吧。 Let’s go to school by bike。

  A: Let’s go to school by bike。


  B: OK. 好的。

  19. 去看电影怎么样?What about going to the movies? = How about going to the movies?

  ■“What about doing sth.?”用以婉转地提出建议。


  20. 我们今晚何不一起吃饭呢?Why don’t we have dinner together tonight?

  A: Why don’t we have dinner together tonight?


  B: It’s a good idea。


  ■ Why don’t + 主语 + do sth.? = Why not do sth.?

  21. 去游泳不是更好吗?Wouldn’t it be an idea to go swimming? A: Wouldn’t it be an idea to go swimming?


  B: No. I don’t like it。


  22. 下面我们做什么呢?What shall we do next? A: What shall we do next?


  B: Let me see。




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