皮特迎来47岁生日 朱莉送天价“婚戒”

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月20日 14:57   国际在线




  Angelina Jolie raises six children with Brad Pitt, so she splashed out on an extra special gift for his 47th birthday tomorrow: a personalized family wedding ring priced at $380,000.

  An insider said: "The band has each of their children's names on it and Angie's on the top。

  "This is a family wedding band to symbolize Brad isn't just married to Angelina but to the family as a whole. It was described as absolutely exquisite."

  As well as fitting seven names onto the ring, Angelina also requested it be engraved with “mystical” references that are personal to the couple。

  The source told the Daily Star newspaper: "She told me there are mystical references to his 47th birthday that have also been engraved on the band and the family all have their own interpretations of what the band means to them and of what 47 means to them."


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