谷歌推出人体浏览器 人们可观察自己身体   2010年12月20日 18:20   环球时报

  Google's latest innovation, the body browser, is designed to help people navigate their bodies the way Google Maps and Google Earth allow people to find their ways. The Body Browser lets people zoom through skin, muscle and bone, just as Google Maps lets them zoom in from continents to city streets。

  The Body Browser is a sliding scroll bar that allows people to peel away layers of the body, starting at the skin and moving down through the muscles and bone or organs to the cardiovascular and nervous systems。

  In addition, there's the search function which allows you to locate any part of the body by just typing in the name. The application runs right in WebGL supported browser. Only Chrome 9 Beta and Firefox 4 beta are available for download。

  Body Browser hasn't landed in Google Labs just yet, and this Google project is not supposed to raise any of the privacy debates that have plagued some of Google's other mapping projects。






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