
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月21日 13:43   外语教学与研究出版社

  12月6日,Michael Oviedo (我的指导老师)、张蕾(同校的赛友)和我三个人来到北京。这是我第一次到上海以北的地方,以前就听朋友说北京就是个轮廓方正,不苟言笑的大老爷们样。果然,降落时从窗口瞥到的就是一个万物凋零,萧瑟干冷的“北大荒”。不过倒没想象的那么冷,也就是贵阳的深冬刮点漳州的大风的程度。于是,咱就一环接一环地前往北京城内。看了天安门,吃了簋街,逛了王府井,好吧,这时候对北京挺失望的。不过张蕾陶醉地抗议道:“To me, Beijing is more of an attitude”。确实,后面发现这句话是个真理。


  12月8日,比赛第一天。第十八个出场。这一轮是定题演讲加评委提问环节,由于准备比较充分,心态较为平和,没有感到太大压力。先来说 “prepared speech”。校赛我写的是“Happiness Is My Top Concern”, 牢骚似地感世伤怀了一番。学哲学出身的Mike老师接手后,建议毙掉这个过于大众并且以自我为中心的题目。于是省赛时换成了“Imagination Is My Top Concern”。这一篇似乎有进步,可是还是过于个人,内容不够充实和深刻。决赛评委主席南京大学王守仁教授说,话题可以“personal”, 但一定要“developed”,要有深度。因此,即便我自己很喜欢这篇讲稿,在所有老师和各种评委的强烈反对下,离北京还有两个星期时,我决定改写 “Liberal-arts Education Is My Top Concern”。

  首先,作为文科学生,这的确是我的“top concern”, 所以在演讲时就能“speak with conviction”。我相信我自己说的每一句话,并且迫切地想要和观众分享我对于这个问题的想法。“Conviction, that is to believe in what you say”,这一点对于增强讲者感染力以及深化与观众的内心互动来说,至关重要。演讲,既要“演”,也要“讲”。“演”的成分要有,但不能夸张,尽量不要强迫观众配合,比如通过举手、起立表明态度等。其实只要内容充实耐听,坚信自己所讲,观众是会被感染的。我个人觉得“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛今年的题目出得很好,目的是让当代中国大学生通过表达自己的“top concern”展现出有一定深度和广度以及独特视角、体现社会责任感的话题。

  其次,这个话题更适合我自己的说话风格。有些选手说话比较有领导风范,比如南京大学傅心恺同学的Obama风格,厦门理工学院连叶海同学Al Gore的魄力;有些选手,尤其是女生比较温柔高雅,比如山东大学的高洁,各种“female writer”,各种“poem”。总之,要找到自己的风格,然后使用相应的身体语言增强感染力。我在Mike的指导下,逐渐形成了比较“subtle” 的身体语言风格,即只使用小部分身体,避免大幅度挪动。我最喜欢的就是“the Obama pin move”(就是“OK”的“O”型,不过食指和拇指要有一定尖角,做成母鸡啄米状)。


  Liberal-arts Education Is My Top Concern

  Ladies and gentlemen, when I contemplate China’s contemporary image, what comes to mind is a gigantic machine without a soul. As China’s economic and social development continues, a soaring demand is generated for businessmen, lawyers and engineers…people who can better contribute to the “sound operation” of society. However, effective as these practical professions are in lubricating this colossal machine, they do not cultivate China’s soul, which is fundamental to the development of a nation. Thus, we might ask ourselves—what can ameliorate this situation? What can make China a more civilized, prosperous and harmonious country? Well, my answer is, a liberal-arts education。

  The American writer Benjamin R. Barber once remarked, “liberal-arts education actually means education in the arts of liberty”. In other words, it is about liberating us from a world of Platonic shadows, and becoming free thinkers; it is about exploring the possibilities of intellectual potential, and enjoying a passionate life. Unfortunately, our society is not too passionate about this idea, and demonstrates its indifference in many ways. When we prioritize “practical” subjects over liberal arts, and when we do not offer teachers enough benefits or approbation in academia, we fail to realize that liberal-arts education is in fact a long-term investment, producing fundamental changes in the long run. We’ve been advocating building a harmonious society, and a large part of this challenge is to cultivate qualities required of a citizen—such as democratic participation, critical thinking, ability to empathize with others and so on. This, is exactly what liberal-arts education does. And once the challenge is met, people will better perform their civic duties, which will ultimately contribute to the truly-sound “operation” of our society. This civilized citizenship, the pursuit of liberty and human passion that liberal-arts education encourages is the soul that China hopes to seek。

  Cultivating a nation’s soul is a Herculean undertaking. However, from this great cause we can derive tremendous cultural and social benefits. The promotion of liberal-arts education will benefit China’s cultural prosperity, and activate the lifeless social machine, rendering businessmen charitable, lawyers compassionate, engineers imaginative and citizens empathetic. Once we achieve this goal, we will truly have what we desire—a harmonious society。

  关于这个被Dr Adams说成“hopeful/hubristic/soppy”的结尾,我觉得人还是应该有一点“utopia”的情怀。“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. And I hope you’d join us, and the world will be as one”。

  接着说评委提问环节。杨莉芳老师出乎意料地提了一个我回答过3遍的问题,于是很顺利。Phillip的问题是关于怎样培养小孩的“free thinking”,非常不好答。先不说能不能在几秒钟内想出一个有创意的对策来,光是语域转换就是很大的挑战。讲小孩教育的语言,既不能过于严肃,也不能显得思维缺乏。虽然我当时回答得差强人意,不过也算比较顺利地完成了第一阶段的比赛。Mike说第一轮“language sophistication”很重要,到后面即兴阶段会更看重“complexity of ideas”。我建议,如果碰到一听就大脑空白的话题,先“paraphrase”或“extend”一番,也就是通过变换句式或者交代背景把话题再陈述一次。但不能浪费时间,这只是没有办法的下下策。

  12月10日,第二轮。我的校友张蕾抽到的即兴演讲主题是“happiness index”, 我抽到的是“migrant worker”。我觉得我们两个真应该对调。Mike是学哲学的,在平时训练的时候做过西方哲学知识的基本介绍,对于目前在中国越来越多人思考的“幸福” 话题有着最为基本的解释,也就是亚里士多德的“Eudaimonia”,包括“happiness”, “contentment”和“human flourishing”三个方面。“BMW girl”或许认为自己坐在宝马车上哭是幸福的,但是她没有达到Aristotle倡导的“human flourishing”, 因此不是一个崇高的人。不过“Eudaimonia”是客观的存在,一个人可以没有达到“Eudaimonia”而主观地感到幸福。总之,我觉得,“happiness”是个非常个人的东西,而且这么久以来,一直像吃了催化剂一样成长,有些疑问从来没有人回答。Mike针对我的这一个疑问的训练,我觉得是他训练模式最成功的地方(他说他是借鉴江西师范大学的Connie Gibson女士的)。我们先进行的是各种扫盲小讲座和讨论,知识和思维构建到一定程度后才严格按照赛制进行模拟训练。他希望我们不要只把比赛当做目的,而应该从这个过程中认识并充实自己。因此,我也就当作上课一样去学“what is love? ”、 “What is friendship? ”和 “What is justice? ”不过幸运的是,“migrant worker”虽然不是我的“type of question ”, 我离开学校的最后一节课蓓姐正好在说“in-person server”的问题,校内上有朋友刚好分享了一篇“migrant worker”和大学生就业情况对比,平时培训又碰巧谈到了中国发展模式转型农民工无法享受经济成果的可能性,于是我把能想到的都编了进去。可是后面发现还差几十秒,于是我和Mike就在“social welfare system”, “hukou system”和“education of migrant children”后面分别加上三个定语从句,时间就够了。建议如果遇到时间不够的情况,可在粗略罗列的项目后面加以具体说明,结构上形成排比,内容显得更加充实。


  12月11日,讲座日。我们还在训练。不过没有“overtrain”,因为Mike怕“overtrain the wrong thing”。结果第二天的比赛真的和我们想的是两回事。

  12月12日,比赛最后一天。早上终于抽到了一个我喜欢的题目——“You need to have a box first, before you can open the top and think outside of it”。这一轮准备时间超长,中间还有中场休息。“over prep” 是个讨厌的东西,既能给你信心,也能把你搞得紧张兮兮。我就一直告诉自己 “calm down”, 不管怎么样终于可以讲自己喜欢的东西了。


  Howard Gardner once remarked,“you need to be a master before you become a maker”. So, having a box is really an accumulative process of indispensible knowledge and skills; a foundation upon which a further acquisition of the “leap of the human mind” can be achieved。

  Two of the biggest names in American literature--Nathaniel Hawthorn and Herman Melville are remembered and honored by history, due to their ability to question the innocence of their age. However, before they scored their tremendous achievements, they still read extensively the works of others, which constituted an ideological and literary framework, within which intellectual sparks were ignited, forcing open the top of the box, thus establishing iconoclasm and cementing them as two of the world’s literary masters。

  Well, some of you might object, isn’t having a box a restriction to acquiring genuinely critical thinking skills? No. R M Hare has this theory of two levels of moral thinking—Proles and Archangels. Being a Prole is to posses a limited view of the earthly world, enshackled and enslaved by their own moral intuitions, whereas an Archangel can view the world as it is, and through God’s eye, see the consequences of human actions。

  Therefore, this attainment of panorama is really preceded by being a Prole, by understanding the world first, and through liberating ourselves, acquiring genuinely critical thinking. So, we need to have a box first, before we can open it and become critical thinkers。






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