
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月21日 22:11   国际在线




  据悉,比伯在加州的演唱会门票销售情况非常火爆,而他的绯闻女友Selena Gomez此次也有现身。

  There is no doubt that Justin Bieber has taken the world by storm。

  But who knew that Hollywood actor Johnny Depp was a fan of the 16-year-old singing sensation?

  It appears that Johnny has joined the ranks of Usher, Katy Perry and Kanye West, all fans of Justin, by attending his concert at the American Airlines Arena in Miami on Saturday night。

  No doubt making it her night, Avery later excitedly tweeted the picture of her and Johnny on her Twitter page, writing:'Me and Johnny Depp at the @justinbieber concert :)'

  Johnny had his arm around the American teen as he held a cigarette in the other。

  The father-of-two was dressed down in his typical off-duty uniform of checked flannel shirt, t-shirt and jeans, paired with a fedora hat and tinted glasses。

  Avery looked thrilled to be in the company of Johnny, who was crowned the Sexiest Man Alive by People magazine last year。

  Johnny was spotted in the crowd at the sell-out concert, and his attendance was outed when Justin made an on-stage announcement。

  'Johnny wants to hear Baby,' Justin said before performing his hit song。

  After the show was over Johnny left the venue by slipping out the back-door。

  The actor has just finished up a press tour with co-star, Angelina Jolie, for their film The Tourist。

  Justin performed to a sell-out crowd for his Florida show。

  Selena Gomez was also spotted in the audience, fuelling more rumours of a romance between Justin and the Disney star。

  She was later escorted back to Justin’s tour bus, where the two embraced in a hug before she climbed on the vehicle。

  Just yesterday morning the pair were spotted smiling and laughing whilst taking a leisurely stroll near their hotel。


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