
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月22日 15:48   中国日报网-英语点津

  High-speed Internet has had the greatest technological impact on society over the past decade and is the technology most people say they cannot live without, according to a new poll。

  Twenty four percent of 1,950 U.S. adults questioned in the online survey conducted by Zogby International said high-speed Internet had the greatest impact on their lives, followed closely by Facebook at 22 percent。

  Of the technologies people say they cannot live without, high-speed Internet came in first at 28 percent and email was second at 18 percent。

  When asked what they thought would be the greatest technological advancement in the next year, 24 percent said it would be in home entertainment and 16 percent said it would be in general computing。

  Looking ahead to the next decade, 43 percent of those surveyed predicted there would be regular use of stem cells and cloning techniques to create human organs for transplant。

  Forty percent said computer chips would be implanted in people to monitor their health, and the same number said robots would be capable of performing manual labor jobs。








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