美妇女大脑扁桃核损伤 不知害怕为何物

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月22日 16:05   环球时报

  According to the AP on December 16, US scientists have discovered a woman, SM, with a rare brain disease that makes her afraid of nothing -- not a huge snake lurking near her children, not a knife to her throat, and certainly not a horror movie。

  SM isn't some cold-blooded psychopath or a hero with a tight rein on her emotions. She's an ordinary mother of three with a specific psychological impairment, the result of a very rare genetic disease that damaged a brain structure called the amygdale。

  Her case shows that the amygdale plays a key role in making people feel afraid in threatening situations, researchers say。

  Other research shows SM scores normally on tests of intelligence, memory and language, and she experiences emotions other than fear. She lives independently。






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