厕所也有好风景 英国人写书详述公厕

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月22日 18:11   环球时报

  According to the Sun on December 15, the South Pole toilet appears in a new book lifting the lid on the world's most majestic places to wee。

  Author Luke Barclay from Somerset, UK, 33, visited some of the world's wildest locations to record the public conveniences for Good Loo Hunting - his second book on the subject。

  Others in the book include a throne on the banks of Africa's Zambezi River - where sights include elephants bathing yards away。

  A Grand Canyon toilet is perched in the heart of the giant geological wonder, while another in remote India, offers barren lunar-style landscapes。

  Luke said: "I've had a steady trickle of emails from people tipping me off about the best places. The toilets don't just have to be in great places, they need windows so you can see the view as you go, so to speak."




  另外还有 "盘栖"在壮观的地质美景之上的大峡谷公厕以及地处印度的野外厕所。印度野外厕所周围一望无垠的蛮荒景象给人一种置身于月球表面的错觉。



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