Albert, a goldfish, holds the Guinness World Record for "fish with the largest repertoire of tricks." 一只名叫艾尔波特的金鱼荣获一项吉尼斯世界纪录的头衔—“世界上技能最全的金鱼”。 Albert, which has since passed away, was trained by Dean Pomerleau, creator of the R2 Fish School。 艾尔波特在不久前离开了“人间”,他的主人迪恩 波默洛创办了一所名叫R2的"金鱼培训学校"。 Pomerleau, a computer scientist living near Pittsburgh, first began training fish after his son, Kyle, won two goldfish at a fair in 2005. "The kids wanted a dog, so I tried to make the fish more interesting," he explains. Using a homemade wand loaded with fish food and lots of positive reinforcement, he trained them to do tricks。 波默洛是一名计算机科学家,居住在匹兹堡附近。2005年,他的儿子在集市上赢得了两只金鱼,他就从那个时候开始训练金鱼。他说:“我的儿子想要一只狗,所以我就训练金鱼,把金鱼当狗养。”迪恩 波默洛把鱼食包在自制的“驯鱼棒”上,在食物的刺激下,金鱼学会了一些技能。 In total, it'll take about two months for most 2- to 6-inch fish to learn all nine tricks in the kit. The kit, which retails for $30 at r2fishschool.com, comes with a 45-minute DVD, a training manual, a feeding wand and more than 20 accessories。 一般来说,教具套装能够保证普通的2-6英寸大小的金鱼在两个月内学会九种技能(其中包括足球)。教具套装在R2金鱼培训学校"的网站上零售价是30美元,包括一张长达45分钟的DVD,一本训练手册,一根鱼食棒和20多件小工具。 More than 48,000 people have watched Albert do the trick on YouTube. "I truly believe I've seen my fish perk up after I started training them," says Pomerleau。 现在,已经有4万8千人在视频网站YouTube 上观看艾尔波特的金鱼秀。波默洛说:“我相信金鱼喜欢在大家面前表演,我训练它们的时候,它们变得非常活跃”。 网友评论企业服务 |