
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月23日 15:53   环球时报

  Researchers from the University of Osaka claimed that a genetically-engineered mouse that tweets like a bird has been produced, and they hope this discovery can help find how human language evolved over history。


  As part of the "Evolved Mouse Project," which was carried out to find how genetic mutations drive evolutions, researchers cross-bred the mutation prone mice for generations and checked the newborn mice one at a time. Finally one day they came across a mouse that was singing just like a bird。


  In addition to the singing rodent, there are also a mouse with short limbs and one with a tail like of a dachshund among the 100 mutant mice。


  Researchers now hope their tweeting mice will lend insight on how human language evolved over history. Mice, after all, are much closer to humans in terms of biology and brain, and by seeing how they chirp in the company of other mice and when placed in certain situations, they might learn how human linguistics came to be as well as how they were shared among groups。



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