林赛伶仃大醉晚归宿 即将出院又犯事

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月23日 17:47   国际在线

  It all started when she showed up to her rehab facility 10 minutes after curfew, and was accused of smelling like alcohol, but the only thing Lindsay Lohan had to drink on the night in question were Shirley Temples。

  Sources close to the “Mean Girls” actress claim that on December 11, Lohan met up with a friend at the Viceroy Hotel in Palm Springs, CA to get her hair done。

  While in the salon, Linds knocked back a couple mixed, but apparently non-alcoholic, drinks - but when she showed up to her sober house around 1 am, employee Dawn Holland accused her of drinking booze。

  Holland claimed she smelled alcohol on Lindsay's breath, but LiLo refused to take a breathalyzer。




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