英圣诞防贼出狠招 火鸡肉也装防盗器

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月24日 09:55   国际在线


  Supermarkets are putting electronic tags on their turkeys in an attempt to beat thefts triggered by hard times this Christmas.The stores have taken the drastic action in direct response to a rise in shoplifting of food caused by the squeeze on family budgets。

  In the past, stores reserved the tags for high value items such as drink and CDs. However, increasingly, the electronic tags are being put on meat, and the security measure will be extended to turkeys for the first time this year。

  火鸡肉的售价都在30英镑以上,这边意味着“盗肉贼”可以在黑市上买出个好价钱。玛莎百货在最近这段“作案高峰期”中,便将火鸡肉“全副武装” 起来。同时,防盗器的种类也越加的丰富一起,之前零售商会使用亮黄色的,这样显而易见,但最近的大有“袖珍化”的趋势,有的防盗器甚至就只有一颗沙粒的大小。若有人企图夹带这火鸡肉逃之夭夭,而并没有通过收银处的消磁处理,防盗器马上会拉响警报。

  Turkeys and turkey crowns can cost well over ?30, which means shoplifters can get a good price on the black market.Marks & Spencer is putting the tags on all its turkey crowns. Separately, M&S, Tesco and Sainsbury’s have given store managers authority to tag their birds if their outlet is in

  a theft hot spot.Several types of tag are used. Initially, stores relied on bright yellow easily identifiable tags, but now more are using smaller versions, including some that are little bigger than

  a grain of sand.The tag will set off an alarm if a shopper tries to make a run for it with a turkey under their arm without it being removed or swiped through a check-out scanner。


  A survey by the security company G4S suggests the stores have good reason to worry. It found that as many as half a million Britons would go so far as to steal a turkey if they

  had the chance. One in seven adults admitted being tempted to break the law at Christmas and pinch either food, drink or presents.G4S said better CCTV and other security has helped cut the number of shoplifters. But its marketing director, Douglas Greenwell, said: ‘The harsh economic realities facing

  many families may lead normally law abiding people to consider shoplifting as a way to save money this Christmas。


  ‘However, for the sake of a ?20 turkey, people risk a criminal record that could see them barred from a number of professions, limiting their future career options.’Adrian Beck, head of the Department of Criminology at Leicester University, said the survey ‘highlights the important part opportunity plays in retail crime’, adding: ‘People will

  think about breaking the law if they view the risks of getting caught to be low and the opportunity to offend is readily apparent.’


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