阿桑奇参演恶搞短片 嘲讽美国有绝招

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月27日 15:38   新浪教育

  “维基解密”创始人朱利安・阿桑奇又有新动作了。上周末在Youtube上出现了一段点击率极高的视频,它用“说唱新闻”(Rap News)的方式嘲讽美国为侵略伊拉克编造的理由,并抨击在阿布格莱布以及关塔纳摩监狱出现的虐囚丑闻。引人注目的是,它由阿桑奇亲自参演。

  The creators of Australian Internet hit "Rap News" Wednesday said they were still "pinching themselves" after controversial and reclusive WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appeared on their show in a cameo role。

  University researcher Giordano Nanni and English teacher Hugo Farrant, whose political satire set to hip hop has achieved cult status on YouTube, said Assange contacted them and invited them to London to film the six-minute skit。

  The Melbourne-based pair had made a previous episode about WikiLeaks and told AFP via e-mail, "He really felt that we'd nailed it, so the possibility of going to London and collaborating on a new episode in the lead-up to the Iraq War Diaries was mooted. We jumped at the chance and were on planes within a fortnight."

  "It was fantastic - we're still pinching ourselves," added Nanni. "He's a preternaturally calm person, but with a great sense of humor."



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