
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月29日 16:16   国际在线






  Reese Witherspoon finds herself in the middle of a love triangle in her latest film, "How Do You Know," but beyond the big screen, the Oscar-winning actress has her eye set on just one man. On Tuesday (December 28), a rep for the star announced that Witherspoon is engaged to Hollywood agent boyfriend Jim Toth, according to Us Weekly。

  "They are extremely happy," Witherspoon's rep told the magazine。

  The couple, who have been dating for the past year, went public with their romance earlier this year after Witherspoon called it quits with Jake Gyllenhaal. Toth, 40, works at Los Angeles' Creative Artists Agency, a prominent entertainment and sports agency where the 34-year-old actress is a client; however, Toth does not represent Witherspoon。

  Earlier this month, a source told People that Toth was insistent that Witherspoon is his ideal woman. "Jim knows she's the one," a source said. "They're a perfect match."

  This marks the second marriage for Witherspoon, who has two children (Ava, 11, and Deacon, 7) with ex-husband Ryan Phillippe。


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