暮光曝疑似片场照 贝拉新婚欢度圣诞

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月29日 16:31   国际在线
暮光曝疑似片场照 贝拉新婚欢度圣诞暮光曝疑似片场照 贝拉新婚欢度圣诞




  Bill Condon strikes again! The director of the upcoming sequel The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn has released another behind the scenes photo from the film. For some odd reason, he feels that the holidays are the perfect time to unveil these exclusives. The first image he released from the film hit the net over Thanksgiving break, and now that Christmas has come and gone, he’s given us another one。

  This time it features the warm and fuzzy setting of the Swan household. Take a look…

  It’s time for us to test your Twihard knowledge again. Condon wrote this caption with the photo, “Happy holidays from the Swan home to yours。” In Breaking Dawn, is there a heavy Christmas theme that pops up at some point? This photo seems warm and a little too cozy for its cold-blooded subjects. What happens here?

  Official Synopsis:

  After their wedding, Bella and Edward travel to Rio de Janeiro for their honeymoon, where they finally give in to their passions. Bella soon discovers she is pregnant, and during a nearly fatal childbirth,

  Edward finally fulfills her wish to become immortal。

  But the arrival of their remarkable daughter, Renesmee, sets in motion a perilous chain of events that pits the Cullens and their allies against the Volturi, the fearsome council of vampire leaders, setting the stage for an all-out battle。

  The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part I will hit theaters on November 18, 2011 and Part II on November 16, 2012.


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