
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月29日 17:32   环球时报

  A new survey carried out by the slimming group Shape Smart suggests that 25 percent of women think about food every half an hour, compared to the 10 percent of women who think about sex over the same time span。

  To find everyone's "EATERtype", Shape Smart also found that, among 5,000 men and women who are interviewed, there are many different attitudes towards sex and food. 60 percent of women in relationships are not happy eating in front of their partner, while 50 percent are shy undressing in front of their partner。

  In addition, 40 percent of women feel as though they are constantly dieting, while 13 percent choose low-calorie meals instead of what they would actually like when eating out。

  Nutritionist and behavior therapist Mary believes that these results may be the kick in the right direction that some people need help to control demoralizing eating habits。

  美国《时代》周刊报道称,一项由瘦身机构Shape Smart发起的调查表明,25%的女性每半小时想到了食物,而只有10%的女性在同样时间段内想到了性。

  为了找到属于每个人的“饮食者类型”,Shape Smart发现,在5000名被调查的男男女女中,对于性和食物的态度可谓多种多样。60%恋爱中的女性并不乐意在伴侣面前大吃特吃,50%的人则羞于在男友面前一丝不挂。




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