
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月29日 17:34   环球时报

  British Education Secretary Michael Gove claimed Monday that schools in Britain have slipped far behind those in the Far East, and said urgent improvements must be made if Britain's schools were to compete with those of China and Singapore。

  Earlier this month it emerged the UK had plummeted to 23rd in the world education rankings. It is behind relatively poor nations such as Estonia, Poland and the Slovak Republic in reading, maths and science。

  The secretary called on the UK to learn from Chairman Mao and embark on "a Long March to reform our education system". "Schools in the Far East are turning out students who are working at an altogether higher level than our own," he said. He also added that colleges can no longer rely on the existing A-level to identify the best candidates because A-levels are failing to prepare students for degree courses。

  "We are asking universities to play a bigger part in designing A-levels so they don't have to offer their own tests on top. And we're also reforming league tables so they focus on the exams universities and employers value, such as science, history and modern languages," said the secretary。






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