
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月30日 10:52   新浪教育


  (4th Grade)

  How the Mail is Delivered

  Read the paragraphs below to learn how the mail is delivered. The paragraphs are not in the correct order. Read the texts carefully and decide which should be first, second, third, fourth and fifth. Write the order in the boxes below。

  A. Thursday morning the mail carrier for Main Street picked up her pile of letters. She sorted all of them by street address. The people at 1 Main Street got their mail first. Dave lived at 221 Main Street. He got his letter before lunch。

  B. Juan lives in New York. He wrote a letter to Dave. Dave lives in Oregon. Juan put the letter in the mailbox on Monday night. On Tuesday morning a truck stopped at the mailbox. The mail carrier put the letters into a large bag and took the bag to a post office in New York。

  C. By noon the letters were in an airport in Oregon. Mail trucks then took them to post offices. One of these was in Dave's town. Wednesday night people in Dave's town sorted the letters by street name。

  D. The post office has plenty of work to do. It handles thousands of letters per day. Let's follow a letter all the way across America。

  E. Tuesday afternoon the letters were sorted. Zip codes were used to sort the mail. A machine picked up a letter and held it. A worker read the Zip code. Then the worker pushed five buttons on another machine. The worker had only one second to do this. After the worker pushed the buttons, the machine put the letter in a box. By Tuesday night the box was on a truck. The truck went to the airport. An airplane took off for Oregon on Wednesday morning. Juan's letter went on the airplane。






  Words and Phrases 单词和短语

  post office 邮局

  Oregon ['ɔrigən] n. 俄勒冈州(美国州名)

  mailbox ['meilbɔks] n. 邮筒,信箱

  mail carrier 邮递员

  zip code 邮递区号;邮政编码

  button ['bʌtn] n. 按钮;纽扣

  take off ( 飞机 ) 起飞

  译 文

  信 件 的 流 程


  A. 星期四早上,街道信差拿起一撂信件,把它们按街道地址一一分类。住在街道的第一户人家最先收到他们的信。戴夫住在街道221号,那么在中午前就可以收到胡安写给他的信。


  C. 当天中午这些信件就抵达了俄勒冈的机场,然后邮政车把它们运往当地邮局,其中一些信就是发往戴夫所在的城市。当天晚上戴夫所在城市的邮局工作人员把这些信件按照街名分类。

  D. 邮局有大量的工作要做,他们每天都


  E. 星期二下午,工作人员开始给这些信件



  答 案

  1 D

  2 B

  3 E

  4 C

  5 A


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