
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月30日 17:00   沪江英语

  The National Zoo said Wednesday that China has granted an extension of its lease of Washington's two giant pandas, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian。


  Zoo Director Dennis W. Kelly was in China last week seeking to negotiate a new panda arrangement to replace the 10-year, $10 million lease that expired Dec. 6. China owns and leases all giant pandas in U.S. zoos。

  动物园园长丹尼斯 W·凯利上周来到中国协商新的熊猫租借方案来代替在12月6号到期的一千万租借大熊猫十年的租约。中国仍然对美国动物园里租借的所有熊猫享有拥有权。

  The zoo badly wants cubs for research purposes. And recent science suggests that if a female panda has not become pregnant for several years, it is increasingly unlikely that she will be able to get pregnant in the future。


  "We've not had a cub here in the last five years," Kelly said in an interview in July。


  "There's some data that suggests that after four [breeding] tries, there's something [negative] going on," he said in July. Pandas generally mate once a year。


  Zoo scientists are planning for Mei Xiang's upcoming breeding season. She went into heat last Jan. 9 and Jan. 15 the year before. And the zoo said it would not move her during her annual pregnancy watch, which usually lasts until spring。


  The Memphis Zoo's panda pair, residents there since 2003, have not produced any offspring。



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