奥普拉玩真人秀 卸妆洗澡素颜照曝光(组图)奥普拉素颜照
Oprah laid bare: Chat show queen goes make-up free for cameras - and even lets them film her in the bath Appearing without make-up and even in the bath, the chat show queen is even caught when she is 'so drugged' on painkillers after an operation, by her own admission, she 'couldn't even stand up.' 身为世界上身价最高的脱口秀主持人奥普拉以“什么都敢问”无人能敌的采访风格风靡全球,让一个个来宾们惧怕无比,近日,奥普拉允许记者进入她位于芝加哥的屋子,拍摄到她妆容下最真实的一面,洗澡和做饭中的奥普拉,其素颜模样让观众大呼过瘾。 The star explained she decided to let the cameras go in behind the scenes forthe first time to mark the 25th - and last - season of her chat show, which starts on1 January on her own new television station, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN)。 据悉,这些“千载难逢”奥普拉倾情奉献的“处女纪录片”是她决定结束25年的脱口秀节目《奥普拉访谈》,并自立门户变身传媒女王成立“温芙瑞电视网”进而送给观众的礼物。 Oprah adds: 'Documentary film crews will capture the real life drama of ending a show that's really been our lives.' It shows her first thing in the morning being chauffeured away from her home in Chicago to a nearby park to go running with her spaniel Sadie。 奥普拉接受采访时说:“我觉得以拍摄我私人的真实生活作为结束,是最有纪念意义的表达方式,因为任何节目都来源于生活。”在纪录片中,奥普拉一身休闲装,全素颜、佩戴一副黑框眼镜,丝毫没有一点脱口秀女王的架势。 网友评论企业服务 |