英国女王孙子产女 首次当上曾祖母(图)英国女王伊丽莎白二世的长孙彼得·菲利普斯夫妇本周三喜得千金,使得现年84岁的英国女王第一次当上曾祖母。彼得是伊丽莎白的长女安妮公主和她第一任丈夫马克·菲利普斯的独子,他是女王的孙子女中结婚最早的。彼得·菲利普斯夫妇多年来一直生活在中国香港,不久前才回到英国。彼得现任职于伦敦的苏格兰皇家银行。刚出世的小千金是英国王位的第12顺位继承人,位次仅次于其父亲。 英国女王孙子产女,首次当上曾祖母
Queen Elizabeth, 84, became a great-grandmother for the first time when the wife of her grandson Peter Phillips gave birth to a baby girl, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday。 Queen Elizabeth, 84, became a great-grandmother for the first time when the wife of her grandson Peter Phillips gave birth to a baby girl, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday。 Autumn Phillips, a Canadian, gave birth on Wednesday。 "The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Princess Royal, Captain Mark Phillips and Autumn's family have been informed and are delighted with the news. The baby's name will be confirmed in due course," the statement said。 Peter Phillips is the only son of the Princess Royal, Princess Anne, and her first husband Mark Phillips。 He was the first grandchild of the Queen to marry despite constant media speculation about some of her other grandchildren Prince Harry, Prince William and Phillips's sister Zara。 The baby is 12th in line to the throne。 Her birth also made Zara an aunt. The royal family said last week that Zara, a successful equestrian athlete, was to marry rugby player Mike Tindall。 Peter and Autumn Phillips, who courted controversy by selling the rights to their wedding to Hello! magazine for a reported 500,000 pounds ($772,000), lived until recently in Hong Kong, where he worked for the Royal Bank of Scotland. He now works for the bank in London。 网友评论企业服务 |