
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月07日 15:13   国际在线




  If you haven't had the pleasure of sitting in a movie theater to watch David Fincher's engaging story of Mark Zuckerberg and his creation of Facebook in The Social Network, you'll get one more chance before the Oscars. In an effort to create even more awareness and buzz for the critically acclaimed, generation defining drama, Sony Pictures has decided to release the film back into 600 theaters onFriday, January 7th. By Deadline's estimates, the second theatrical run should push the box office over $200 million worldwide (the film is about $3 million shy right now). Personally… I wouldn't mind seeing the film for a fourth time!

  Yes, I did love The Social Network enough to think about seeing it yet again (you'll see how much when my Top 10 Films of 2010 is posted later this week), but for those who can't make it to theaters, the DVD and Blu-Ray release of the film hits shelves next Tuesday, January 11th. And if you're like me, and you loved The Social Network, then you should probably go pick it up at Amazon. They have it priced lower than anyone with the DVD version only $12.99 and the Blu-Ray priced at $16.99. And don't forget to check out the slick new awards centric website for the film as the awards season heats up. Willyou see The Social Network again in theaters?


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