自杀新方法:看电视过久竟能要你的命Watching TV or playing computer games for long periods damages your heart, regardless of how much you exercise, say scientists。 科学家们提醒:不论你平时怎样的运动,长时间的观看电视或玩电脑游戏将对你的心脏造成伤害。 The risk of heart disease as well as premature death from any cause soared for those spending more than four hours a day glued to a screen, it was claimed。 据称,对于每天端坐在电视机前的时间超过四小时的人来说,罹患诸如心愿性猝死这样的心脏疾病的几率将大大的提升。 Dr Emmanuel Stamatakis of University College London’s Department of Epidemiology and Public Health said: ‘Our analysis suggests that two or more hours of screen time each day may place someone at greater risk for a cardiac event.’ 来自伦敦大学学院流行病学和公共卫生专业的埃马纽埃尔教授说:“我们经过研究后发现,每天看电视的时间若超过了两小时,这将提高患上心脏方面疾病的风险。” The study was the first to examine the association between screen time and heart attacks, and found a 48 per cent increased risk of death from any cause。 这份报告首次研究了面对屏幕的时间与心脏病之间所存在的联系,科学家们发现,“无端”死亡的风险提高了48%。 It also found an approximately 125 per cent increased risk of cardiovascular events in those spending more than four hours in front of a screen。 另外,假若每天对面屏幕的时间超过了四小时,爆发心血管疾病的几率将提高125%。 The findings will also apply to those in sedentary jobs。 这份结果还涉及了长时间就做不动的工作。 The risks were irrespective of factors such as smoking, class and even exercise。 罹患疾病的风险甚至不会受到例如吸烟或运动这样的因素的影响。 Dr Stamatakis said: ‘These risks may not be mitigated by exercise, a finding that underscores the urgent need for public health recommendations.’ 埃马纽埃尔教授还表示,“运动也不大可能减轻患病的风险,这迫使我们必须提高公众的健康意识。” The reason for the extra risk may be the effect prolonged sitting has on cholesterol and inflammation。 而长期保持坐着的状态会是胆固醇的含量升高,同时可能诱发炎症,这便使又增加了患病的几率。 网友评论企业服务 |