日本发明“体温镜” 可照出发烧流感症状

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月13日 11:05   中国日报网-英语点津

  Japanese firm NEC Avio Infrared Technologies has announced the development of a mirror that can detect flu-like symptoms, such as a fever。

  The Thermo Mirror has a built-in thermometer, but an individual does not need to make any physical contact with the device for it to measure their temperature, making it a handy reusable instrument for measuring flu。

  While a person admires their beauty or frets about how much extra weight they put on over Christmas, the mirror displays their temperature and an alarm sounds if they are deemed feverish。

  NEC Avio said that it expects that the device will be used in corporate receptions, schools, hospitals and public facilities, but it could also replace more expensive technology used in airports. Many airports currently use thermography cameras to detect feverish travellers to prevent them from travelling in a constricted air space, a perfect condition for spreading disease。

  These devices are expensive, however, usually costing well over $10,000 each, but the Thermo Mirror can be bought for either 98,000 yen ($1,180) or 120,000 yen ($1,445), depending on the version, which means you can get a lot more for your money。

  NEC Avio plans to sell 5,000 units of the Thermo Mirror this year。

  With the recent increases in cases of swine flu, we may in future ditch the doctor to turn to our trusted mirror and say: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, do I have the flu at all?”









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