囧新闻:保姆喝醉酒 三岁小孩淡定报警A three-year-old boy dialled 999 on a mobile phone and told police he was concerned about the drunken state of his babysitter。 一个三岁大的小男孩打电话报警说,保姆喝醉酒了,他对此表示担心。 Police officers who came to the house found babysitter Jacqueline Robertson drunk, having consumed more than a bottle of wine。 警察赶来的时候发现保姆果然喝高了。 The 39-year-old, from Perth, lashed out when they tried to remove the child, throwing a glass at one of them。 警察想将小男孩带到一个安全的地方去,结果保姆就发飙了,向警察扔了一个杯子。 Solicitor David Holmes, defending, said his client's drunk state explained her "regrettable behaviour"。 保姆的辩护律师说,她是因为喝多了才会有这种“令人遗憾的行为”。 Sheriff Robert McCreadie deferred sentence for a month and called for social work reports。 于是法庭表示缓刑一周,让这位保姆用社区服务来弥补过错。 网友评论企业服务 |