白领遭遇性爱真空 性生活可有可无

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年01月18日 13:51   国际在线

  If you are feeling the pressure to spice up your sex life but can't muster the energy, you're not alone. Seven out of ten couples are too tired for sex, a study has revealed. Hectic social lives, busy work schedules and time spent running around after the children leaves a huge percentage of adults too exhausted to enjoy intimate moments with their other half。


  More than one in two people have turned down their partner's advances in the last month because they were worn out and one in five has said 'no' this week. Two thirds of the 3,000 people polled admitted they only have time and energy to make love at the weekend when they don't have to get up the following morning. Louise White, of Pharmaton Vitality Capsules, said: 'After a long day at work or looking after the family, it seems many people are tired of feeling tired and unable to do anything else but sleep once they crawl into bed。

  具体数字显示,上个月对伴侣的性要求说“不”的人数占到50%,上星期的人数也占到了20%。在专家针对3000名志愿者进行的调查中,有三分之二的人承认,他们只会在精力充沛的情况下、并且第二天起个大早上班的情况下,“妥协”发生性行为。专家Louise White说:“经过一天的劳碌工作后,太多人甚至觉得‘在性生活中享受’是一种让他们疲惫的方式,所以很多情侣选择倒头就睡,啥都不想了。”

  The study of 3,000 people in relationships revealed not sleeping well was the most common reason, while long working hours was second. Researchers also found more than half of Brits will refuse to have sex if it is past a certain time at night, with just after 10pm the average cut off time for jumping into bed with their loved one. A quarter will even refuse as early as 9pm. It also emerged one in two couples have ended up arguing about the lack of sex in their relationship, with 17 per cent even splitting up over it。



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